Environmental regulations require an assessment of the consequences of an action before it is taken. We critically evaluate these assessments in order to assure that they are accurate.
We have extensively reviewed:
Safety Analysis Reports for proposed spent fuel storage facilities and transportation containers.
Environmental Impact Statements for proposed waste facilities: high-level waste repository in Nevada and storage locations in Utah, New Mexico and Texas, and low-level waste landfills in Kentucky, New York, California, Illinois, and North Carolina.
Records of Decision for planned remediation activities in Kentucky and New York.
Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies for various clients.
At RWMA, we offer technical expertise to public interest organizations and governments concerned with radioactive waste issues. Our associates are skilled in explaining environmental and legal jargon in understandable terms, and in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of proposed activities with accuracy and honesty. As an independent organization, we also offer peer-reviewing services.